21-day Satisfaction Guarantee

Should you decide to purchase any of our products or training materials, you will then benefit with a right to full refund of your purchase during the 21-day period running as of the date of your purchase (should you be dissatisfied, for any reason, with our products or training purchased).

If it is past 21-days from your purchase date, you are not eligible for a refund and no exceptions will be made. If you are on a payment plan, then you are legally bound and obligated to complete the remaining payments.

Extended 12-Week Results Guarantee

Eligibility: Since this is a results guarantee, you must complete the program by following all 12 weeks of the checklists included in the Profitable Organizer training program. This means you will first give the program a fair chance by setting up your website following our instructions, setting up your advertising and allowing it to run, and performing some of the advertising methods recommended. If all of the above is met, and you still have not generated clients and wish to discontinue, you may request a refund within 90 days past your 12 week mark.

Preferred Organizer Association

If you are a Preferred Organizer Association membership, depending on when you joined, you may be an annual member or a monthly member. In both cases, you must send us notice before your renewal takes place if you do not intend to stay a Preferred Association member. You may cancel at anytime.

Technical Consequence of any Refund

Should you be refunded, you will immediately lose access to the download area or training pages for the specific items refunded.

Refund Process If Within 21 Days

Send in your request through our contact page.