
About Cynthia Murray

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So far Cynthia Murray has created 42 entries.

Testimonials & Referrals

Being a professional organizer is hard work, but it’s also extremely rewarding and fun! Also, you will likely have inspired better habits, improved their everyday life, and forever changed their life in a most positive, exciting, and organized way. Capture their appreciation through getting a testimonial and always show gratitude through Thank You cards and referral incentives.

Maintenance & Follow-Up

Your client hopefully learned new and better strategies for staying organized through your work together. And these skills will serve them well in the future, if they implement them. Now, you have the opportunity to continue working with your client through what is called maintenance. An ongoing relationship that allows you to stay in contact with your client, and possibly gain […]

Creating a Chore Chart For Client

A good chore chart should include cleaning tasks, repairs, and yard work, but it should also include organizing. Doing this correctly can make the difference between a home that quickly falls back into disarray and one that stays organized!  Making a chore chart can be a great extra service that you offer to your clients.

Creating a Master Schedule For Client

If a client wants help with learning how to manage their time, you can work alongside him or her to create a master schedule.  A master schedule is exactly what it sounds like, an organized, written plan for how someone will accomplish tasks and spend their time.  Here are some examples and tips to remember when creating one.

Working With ADD & ADHD Clients

When working with an ADD or ADHD client, always keep in mind that each of us bring to the table our own unique set of issues and strengths. Be patient with your client, be flexible in your methods of motivation, and work schedule.

Working With Shopping Addicts

Working with a client who is addicted to shopping can be very frustrating and counterproductive to the organizational process. As the professional, there are ways that you can try to assist and guide your client away from their bad buying habits, towards a more positive, organized life. One that is free of a collection of unnecessary items, and in result, […]

Hoarding Tendencies

Working with someone who has hoarding tendencies is time consuming and the process can be trying and difficult. Should you choose to take on a project of this magnitude, be sure you’re prepared for the road ahead and express extreme care and patience. With the right tools, professionals, and willingness, there is a light at the end of any tunnel.

Investing In Organizing Supplies

Explaining to your client the importance of supplies and getting them excited about this aspect of the project, should be fun for both of you. Most people don’t look forward to spending money. That being said, your client should be much more comfortable with the idea after you have educated them on why these organizing supplies are necessary and a […]

Accidents Happen & Difficult Clients

Most clients that hire you will be friendly, welcoming and a pleasure to work with. There will be the occasional client that might try your patience and resolve. Also, there will be times when, no matter how careful you are, something may get damaged or broken. Both of these things might happen from time to time, or not at all. […]

Unique Client Situations

As you build a relationship with clients, you’re constantly gaining more and more of their trust.  And, at times, clients may feel like they can trust you with just about anything! Because of this, you may get asked to do a multitude of jobs in addition to organizing. Obviously, it’s up to you and if you feel comfortable doing other jobs […]